Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
In a futuristic world where the internet and cybernetics has blurred the borders between societies; the members of Public Security Section 9 are reinstated to assist in solving numerous cases of cyber crime.<br><br> A spate of similar crimes committed by separate suicidal groups known as "The Individual Eleven" becomes the core focus for Section 9 as war approaches in the form of refugees flooding into the country. <br><br> (Source: Anime News Network)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Action Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi
No. of Episodes: 26
Avg. Rating: 84
AirSeason: WINTER
Other Names: Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG 攻殻機動隊 S.A.C. 2nd GIG Koukaku Kidoutai S.A.C. 2nd GIGGhost In The Shell S.A.C. 2nd GIG
Start Date: 1-1-2004
End Date: 8-1-2005
Source MANGA
Country Of Origin JP

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