The Supergal
Despite being a refugee from an extinct planet, having an alcoholic as a father and an airhead for a mother, Maris' biggest problem is that she's a Thanatosian. Considering that Thanatosians are six times stronger than the average Earthling it shouldn't be such a curse, especially in a galaxy where violence is rife. But the accidental destruction she wreaks on everything she touches —even with the exotic alloy restraints she wears— means she's constantly in debt. Every mission she's assigned to by the Inter-Galactic Space Patrol becomes a cash-drain when all the damages are docked from her wage. <br><br> But when she's selected to rescue the rich and sexy Kogane Maru it's like a dream come true. After setting him free from the terror of his ruthless kidnapper his eternal gratitude will surely guarantee marriage —and an end to all her financial headaches. <br><br> (Source: AniDB)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Action Comedy Sci-Fi
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 56
AirSeason: SUMMER
Other Names: The Supergal Maris the Chojo ザ・超女 Rumic World 2The ChojoMaris the Wondergirl
Start Date: 5-6-1986
End Date: 5-6-1986
Source MANGA
Country Of Origin JP
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