ONE PIECE: Episode of Alabasta - Sabaku no Oujo to Kaizoku-tachi
A retelling of the Alabasta arc. <br><br> Revolution is brewing in the desert country of Alabasta, but the Straw Hats and Princess Vivi know the truth: it's all a plot cooked up by Crocodile. <br><br> (Source: Netflix)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Action Adventure Fantasy
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 70
AirSeason: SPRING
Other Names: ONE PIECE: Episode of Alabasta - Sabaku no Oujo to Kaizoku-tachi One Piece: The Desert Princess and the Pirates, Adventures in Alabasta ONE PIECE エピソードオブアラバスタ 砂漠の王女と海賊たち One Piece Movie 8: Episode of Alabasta - The Desert Princess and the PiratesOne Piece Película 8: La saga del Arabasta - Los piratas y la princesa del desiertoOne Piece Movie 08One Piece - Un'amicizia oltre i confini del mare
Start Date: 3-3-2007
End Date: 3-3-2007
Source MANGA
Country Of Origin JP

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