Nihon Animator Mihonichi
Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition is the showcase of the animations produced by various directors with love and energy, which are planned from original projects, spin-off projects, promotional films, Music PV, and VJ Films etc...<br> <br> Episodes:<br> #01: The Dragon Dentist (Directed by Outarou Maijou)<br> #02: HILL CLIMB GIRL (Directed by Azuma Tani)<br> #03: ME!ME!ME! (Directed by Hibiki Yoshizaki)<br> #04: Carnage (Directed by Akira Honma)<br> #05: Yoshikazu Yasuhiko & Ichiro Itano: Collection of Key Animation Films (collection of key animation from 1979's Mobile Suit Gundam)<br> #06: 20min Walk From Nishi-Ogikubo Station, 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2mos Deposit, No Pets Allowed (Directed by Takeshi Honda & Mahiro Maeda)<br> #07: Until you come to me. (Directed by Tadashi Hiramatsu)<br> #08: Tomorrow from there (Directed by Akemi Hayashi)<br> #09: Denkou Choujin Gridman: boys invent great hero (Directed by Akira Amemiya)<br> #10: YAMADELOID (Directed by Takashi Horiuchi & Masahiro Emoto)<br> #11: POWER PLANT No. 33 (Directed by Yasuhiro Yoshiura & Kengo Saito)<br> #12: Evangelion: Another Impact (Confidential) (Directed by Shinji Aramaki)<br> #13: Kanón (Directed by Mahiro Maeda)<br> #14: SEX and VIOLENCE with MACHSPEED (Directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi)<br> #15: Obake-Chan (Directed by Shigeto Koyama)<br> #16: Tsukikage no Tokio (Directed by Takanobu Mizuno)<br> #17: THREE FALLEN WITNESSES (Directed by Satoru Utsunomiya)<br> #18: The Diary of Ochibi (Directed by Masashi Kawamura)<br> #19: I can Friday by Day! (Directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki)<br> #20A: ME!ME!ME! CHRONIC feat.daoko / TeddyLoid (Directed by Hibiki Yoshizaki, remix of short #3)<br> #20B: (Making of) evangelion:Another Impact (Making of video of short #12)<br> #21: ICONIC FIELD (Directed by Ikuto Yamashita)<br> #22: IBUSEKI YORUNI (Directed by Tadashi Hiramatsu) <br> #23: Memoirs of amorous gentlemen (Produced by Cork Inc.)<br> #24: Rapid Rouge (Directed by Daisuke Onitsuka)<br> #25: HAMMERHEAD (Directed by Otaro Maijo)<br> #26: COMEDY SKIT 1989 (Directed by Kazuto Nakazawa)<br> #27: BUBU & BUBULINA (Directed by Takashi Nakamura)<br> #28: ENDLESS NIGHT (Directed by Sayo Yamamoto)<br> #29: BUREAU OF PROTO SOCIETY (Directed by Yasuhiro Yoshiura)<br> #30: The Ultraman (Directed by Akitoshi Yokoyama)<br> #31: GIRL (Directed by Hibiki Yoshizaki)<br> #32: Neon Genesis IMPACTS. (Directed by Yuhei Sakuragi)<br> #33: Ragnarok (Directed by Kazuyoshi Katayama)<br> #34: Robot on the Road (Directed by Hiroyuki Okiura)<br> #35: Cassette Girl (Directed by Hiroyasu Kobayashi)<br> <br> <p> <i>Note: #20A and #20B (special) are counted as two separate episodes in the episode total.</i>
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Action Ecchi Fantasy Mecha Music Supernatural
No. of Episodes: 36
Avg. Rating: 71
AirSeason: FALL
Other Names: Nihon Animator Mihonichi Japan Anima(tor)’s Exhibition 日本アニメ(ーター)見本市 The Dragon DentistHILL CLIMB GIRLME!ME!ME!CarnageYoshikazu Yasuhiko & Ichiro Itano: Collection of Key Animation Films20min Walk From Nishi-Ogikubo Station, 2 Bedrooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2mos Deposit, No Pets AllowedUntil you come to me.Tomorrow from thereDenkou Choujin Gridman: boys invent great heroYAMADELOIDPOWER PLANT No. 33Evangelion: Another Impact (Confidential)KanónSEX and VIOLENCE with MACHSPEEDObake-ChanTsukikage no TokioTHREE FALLEN WITNESSESThe Diary of OchibiI can Friday by Day!ME!ME!ME! CHRONIC feat.daoko / TeddyLoid(Making of) evangelion:Another ImpactICONIC FIELDIBUSEKI YORUNIMemoirs of amorous gentlemenRapid RougeHAMMERHEADCOMEDY SKIT 1989BUBU & BUBULINAENDLESS NIGHTBUREAU OF PROTO SOCIETYThe UltramanGIRLNeon Genesis IMPACTS.RagnarokRobot on the RoadCassette Girl
Start Date: 7-11-2014
End Date: 9-10-2015
Source OTHER
Country Of Origin JP

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