Lupin III: princess of the breeze - Kakusareta Kuuchuu Toshi
In Shahalta, a tiny European city-state floating in the sky has had no contact with the outside world for a number of years. The government has went from a monarchy to a republic, and to celebrate the occasion, a national treasure exhibition is being held. Lupin decides to infiltrate the exhibition to steal the secret royal treasures, only to find out that a gang of air pirates snatch the treasure first. <br><br> (Source: Anime News Network)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Adventure Comedy
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 64
AirSeason: FALL
Other Names: Lupin III: princess of the breeze - Kakusareta Kuuchuu Toshi Lupin the 3rd: Princess of the Breeze! ルパン三世 princess of the breeze ~隠された空中都市~ Lupin III: Princess of the Breeze - Hidden City in the SkyLupin III - La principessa della brezza: La città nascosta nel cielo
Start Date: 16-11-2013
End Date: 16-11-2013
Source Unknown
Country Of Origin JP
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