Pocket Monsters (2019): Kami to Yobareshi Arceus
Special episodes of the Pocket Monsters</i> anime distributed initially on Amazon Prime to promote the release of <i>Pokémon LEGENDS: Arceus</i>. <br><br> When Satoshi, Pikachu, and friends receive a mysterious message from the phantom Pokémon Arceus, they meet up with their old friend Takeshi and head to Mount Tengan to investigate. There, they find a rampaging Heatran and the group responsible—Team Galactic, previously thought to be dismantled. The team’s commanders are determined to find their missing leader by opening a gate between dimensions. With a trio of Legendary Pokémon and Sinnoh Champion Shirona on their side, our heroes have a lot of help, but they’ll need all they can get to save Sinnoh!<br><br> (Source: Pokemon.com)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Action Adventure Fantasy
No. of Episodes: 4
Avg. Rating: 66
AirSeason: WINTER
Other Names: Pocket Monsters (2019): Kami to Yobareshi Arceus Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles ポケットモンスター (2019) 神とよばれし アルセウス Pokémon: Arceus, the One Called a GodPocket Monsters - The Hallowed God, ArceusPokémon: Die Arceus-ChronikenPokémon : Les chroniques d’ArceusPokémon: Cronache di ArceusPokémon: Las crónicas de ArceusPokémon: as crônicas de ArceusPokémon: Arceus - KronikiPokémon: Arceus-krønikenePokémon: Le cronache di ArceusPokémon: Krönikeböckerna om Arceus
Start Date: 21-1-2022
End Date: 28-1-2022
Country Of Origin JP
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