Fushigi Dagashiya: Zenitendou
Zenitendo is a mysterious candy store that only lucky people can reach. All the candy recommended by Beniko, the owner of the store, is perfectly suited to the buyer's troubles. However, it depends on whether the candy will be used or eaten correctly that it can bring happiness or misfortune.<br> <br> (Source: MAL News)
Next Episode In: 6D:07H:53M
Genres: Mystery
No. of Episodes: ??
Avg. Rating: 51
AirSeason: SUMMER
Other Names: Fushigi Dagashiya: Zenitendou ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂
Start Date: 8-9-2020
End Date: ??-??-??
Source OTHER
Country Of Origin JP
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