Violet Evergarden Movie
While writing other people’s emotions, she may have neglected her own. Violet Evergarden, the child soldier turned Auto Memory Doll, writes letters that evoke the words her clients can’t. But when a terminally ill boy requests her services for his family, her own feelings about love and loss resurface. Now she must confront her past and the death of the Major.<br> <br> (Source: Funimation)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Drama Fantasy Slice of Life
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 87
AirSeason: SUMMER
Other Names: Violet Evergarden Movie Violet Evergarden: the Movie 劇場版 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン Виолетта ЭвергарденВайоллет Эвергарден薇尔莉特·伊芙加登
Start Date: 18-9-2020
End Date: 18-9-2020
Country Of Origin JP
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