Buy Me a Coffee at DP

While mahjong is a game that is often played with family and friends, it is also a game that is played in the darkest corners of society. Nangou is a compulsive gambler who has accumulated a debt of over three million yen. In a last-ditch attempt to clear his record, he decides to wager his life on a game of mahjong with the mafia. Unfortunately, as the game progresses, Nangou only moves further from the prize and closer to death. <br><br> When all hope seems lost, the game parlor is suddenly intruded upon by Shigeru Akagi, a young boy on the run from the police. Desperate to turn the game around, Nangou hands the game over to Akagi after teaching him a few of the rules. The mafia can only smirk as Akagi sits down to play. However, they soon come to learn that Akagi is a natural-born gambler. An imposing figure who does not fear death. One who is destined to become a legend. <br><br> (Source: MAL Rewrite)

Genre: Psychological, Sports, Thriller

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Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai

While mahjong is a game that is often played with family and friends, it is also a game that is played in the darkest corners of society. Nangou is a compulsive gambler who has accumulated a debt of over three million yen. In a last-ditch attempt to clear his record, he decides to wager his life on a game of mahjong with the mafia. Unfortunately, as the game progresses, Nangou only moves further from the prize and closer to death. <br><br> When all hope seems lost, the game parlor is suddenly intruded upon by Shigeru Akagi, a young boy on the run from the police. Desperate to turn the game around, Nangou hands the game over to Akagi after teaching him a few of the rules. The mafia can only smirk as Akagi sits down to play. However, they soon come to learn that Akagi is a natural-born gambler. An imposing figure who does not fear death. One who is destined to become a legend. <br><br> (Source: MAL Rewrite)

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Genres: Psychological Sports Thriller


No. of Episodes: 26

Avg. Rating: 77

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai Akagi 闘牌伝説アカギ 闇に舞い降りた天才 Mahjong Legend Akagi: The Genius Who Descended Into the Darkness

Start Date: 4-10-2005

End Date: 28-3-2006

Source: MANGA

Country Of Origin: JP

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