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Lupin III: Seven Days Rhapsody

Lupin and Jigen planed to steal enormous money from a racetrack in New York. Their plan is perfect and the only thing remains is to wait for 6 days. To celebrate the success beforehand, they go to a town. <br><br> Lupin parts from Jigen because he recalls another engagement. Then, Lupin saves a girl, Michelle, being chased by suspicious men. She asks Lupin to steal a diamond from her father in order to stop him from doing evil things. Lupin thinks he can get both money and a diamond 6 days later, and he accepts her request to guard her for 6 days. <br><br> Meanwhile, Jigen meats his old fellow soldier, Ryatte, and they&rsquo;re talking about another business. Then, Jigen is supposed to spends 6 days with Ryatte before the plan with Lupin. On the other hand, Fujiko and Goemon are planning to steal a diamond at a diamond exhibits. The host of the exhibition is&hellip; <br><br> (Source: AniDB)

Genre: Action, Comedy

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Lupin III: Seven Days Rhapsody

Lupin and Jigen planed to steal enormous money from a racetrack in New York. Their plan is perfect and the only thing remains is to wait for 6 days. To celebrate the success beforehand, they go to a town. <br><br> Lupin parts from Jigen because he recalls another engagement. Then, Lupin saves a girl, Michelle, being chased by suspicious men. She asks Lupin to steal a diamond from her father in order to stop him from doing evil things. Lupin thinks he can get both money and a diamond 6 days later, and he accepts her request to guard her for 6 days. <br><br> Meanwhile, Jigen meats his old fellow soldier, Ryatte, and they&rsquo;re talking about another business. Then, Jigen is supposed to spends 6 days with Ryatte before the plan with Lupin. On the other hand, Fujiko and Goemon are planning to steal a diamond at a diamond exhibits. The host of the exhibition is&hellip; <br><br> (Source: AniDB)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Comedy


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 65

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: Lupin III: Seven Days Rhapsody Lupin the 3rd: Seven Days Rhapsody ルパン三世 「セブンデイズ・ラプソディ」 Rupan SanseiLupin III - La lacrima della dea

Start Date: 8-9-2006

End Date: 8-9-2006

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: JP

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