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Neither good nor evil, they are life in its purest form. Vulgar and strange, they have inspired fear in humans since the dawn of time and have, over the ages, come to be known as "mushi." The stories of the Mushi and the people they effect are all linked together by a traveling Mushi-shi, or "Mushi Master," who seeks rare Mushi sightings and uses his shaman-like knowledge of Mushi to help the effected people.<br> <br> What are the Mushi and what do they want?<br> <br> (Source: Funimation)

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, Slice of Life, Supernatural

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Neither good nor evil, they are life in its purest form. Vulgar and strange, they have inspired fear in humans since the dawn of time and have, over the ages, come to be known as "mushi." The stories of the Mushi and the people they effect are all linked together by a traveling Mushi-shi, or "Mushi Master," who seeks rare Mushi sightings and uses his shaman-like knowledge of Mushi to help the effected people.<br> <br> What are the Mushi and what do they want?<br> <br> (Source: Funimation)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Adventure Fantasy Mystery Psychological Slice of Life Supernatural


No. of Episodes: 26

Avg. Rating: 85

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: Mushishi MUSHI-SHI 蟲師 מושישיกีฏจารย์กับอาถรรพ์แมลงพิสดาร

Start Date: 23-10-2005

End Date: 19-6-2006

Source: MANGA

Country Of Origin: JP

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