1. Genshisuru Kami (Visions of a God)<br> A two hour episode of Death Note, mainly a compilation of the confrontations between Light and L, re-edited from Ryuk's perspective with new dialogue and soundtrack along with additional animation that could not be included in the original series. An Unnamed Shinigami comes to Ryuk to question him about his new story in the human world.<br><br> 2. Eru o Tsugu Mono (L's Successors)<br> This story continues where the previous left off, continuing the story of Light. As the previous special told Light and L's battles, this story does the same with the conflicts between Light, Mello, and Near. <br><br> (Source: Wikipedia)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller
No. of Episodes: 2
Avg. Rating: 74
AirSeason: SUMMER
Other Names: DEATH NOTE Rewrite Death Note: Relight DEATH NOTE リライト Death Note Director's Cut: The Complete Ending Edition SpecialDeath Note SpecialGenshisuru KamiVisions of a GodDeath Note Relight: La Visión de un DiosDEATH NOTE:RDeath Note Τετράδιο Θανάτου Relight: Οράματα Ενός ΘεούDeath Note Τετράδιο Θανάτου Relight: Οι διάδοχοι του L
Start Date: 31-8-2007
End Date: 22-8-2008
Source: MANGA
Country Of Origin: JP
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