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Fate/Extra: Last Encore

Waking up in a strange virtual world with no recollection of the past, Hakuno finds himself forced to fight for survival in a war he does not understand for a prize beyond value; the opportunity to have one's wish granted. With only an enigmatic "Servant" by his side, Hakuno Kishinami will have to face both friends and foes in battles to the death in order to not only gain possession of a mysterious object known as the "Holy Grail," but also to find the answer to the most important question of all: "Who am I?"<br><br> <i>Notes: <br> - Includes episodes 11-13, Illustrias Geocentric Theory. <br> - The last episode aired with a runtime of 48 minutes as opposed to the standard 24. </i>

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Psychological

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Fate/EXTRA Last Encore

Waking up in a strange virtual world with no recollection of the past, Hakuno finds himself forced to fight for survival in a war he does not understand for a prize beyond value; the opportunity to have one's wish granted. With only an enigmatic "Servant" by his side, Hakuno Kishinami will have to face both friends and foes in battles to the death in order to not only gain possession of a mysterious object known as the "Holy Grail," but also to find the answer to the most important question of all: "Who am I?"<br><br> <i>Notes: <br> - Includes episodes 11-13, Illustrias Geocentric Theory. <br> - The last episode aired with a runtime of 48 minutes as opposed to the standard 24. </i>

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Fantasy Psychological


No. of Episodes: 13

Avg. Rating: 61

AirSeason: WINTER

Other Names: Fate/EXTRA Last Encore Fate/EXTRA Last Encore Fate/EXTRA Last Encore Oblitus Copernican TheoryIllustrias Geocentric Theoryפייט/אקסטרה ההדרן האחרון

Start Date: 28-1-2018

End Date: 29-7-2018


Country Of Origin: JP

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