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Magic is a product of neither legends nor fairy tales, but instead has become a technology of reality since a time unknown to people. Supernatural power became a technology systematized through magic, while magic became a technical skill. A "Supernatural Power User" became a "Magic Technician." Magic Technicians (in short, Magicians) are nurtured through Magic High Schools and Universities.<br> <br> This is a story about: <br> <br> Tatsuya, a defective elder brother low achiever.<br> Miyuki, a perfect, flawless younger sister high achiever.<br> After both siblings entered a Magic High School,<br> The stage of daily turbulence was unveiled—.

Genre: Action, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural

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Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Magic is a product of neither legends nor fairy tales, but instead has become a technology of reality since a time unknown to people. Supernatural power became a technology systematized through magic, while magic became a technical skill. A "Supernatural Power User" became a "Magic Technician." Magic Technicians (in short, Magicians) are nurtured through Magic High Schools and Universities.<br> <br> This is a story about: <br> <br> Tatsuya, a defective elder brother low achiever.<br> Miyuki, a perfect, flawless younger sister high achiever.<br> After both siblings entered a Magic High School,<br> The stage of daily turbulence was unveiled—.

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Romance Sci-Fi Supernatural


No. of Episodes: 26

Avg. Rating: 70

AirSeason: SPRING

Other Names: Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei The Irregular at Magic High School 魔法科高校の劣等生 พี่น้องปริศนาโรงเรียนมหาเวทНепутёвый ученик в школе магии

Start Date: 6-4-2014

End Date: 28-9-2014


Country Of Origin: JP

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