ONE PIECE: Nenmatsu Tokubetsu Kikaku! Mugiwara no Luffy Oyabun Torimonochou
Unlike the other specials, this story takes place in an alternate reality version of 19th century Japan, in "The Grand Jipangu", an alternate version of The Grand Line as opposed to simply being hour-long filler episodes.The story is divided into two halves: in the first, Buggy the Clown makes trouble in the town where Detective Luffy is stationed, and in the second a mysterious girl named Vivi appears. These stories feature cameos from several minor characters in the normal series. Surprisingly the "Oyabun" (Boss) specials did not stop there as five more specials were made following the first one, mostly as Christmas and New Years specials as well as fillers once in awhile.<br>
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Adventure Comedy Fantasy
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 68
AirSeason: FALL
Other Names: ONE PIECE: Nenmatsu Tokubetsu Kikaku! Mugiwara no Luffy Oyabun Torimonochou One Piece Special: The Detective Memoirs of Chief Straw Hat Luffy ONE PIECE 年末特別企画!麦わらのルフィ親分捕物帖 One Piece: Le avventure del detective Cappello di Paglia
Start Date: 18-12-2005
End Date: 18-12-2005
Source: MANGA
Country Of Origin: JP
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