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Golgo 13: QUEEN BEE

Some passions are worth dying for...<br> <br> Code Name: Golgo 13 - Professional Assassin. Mission: Terminate the infamous Queen Bee, leader of a dissident South American liberation army, before she kills a high profile Presidential Candidate.<br> <br> One problem: Queen Bee isn't your average radical. When she was a child, they destroyed her world and left her to live like an animal. But they didn't kill her spirit. As a woman, cunning and powerful, she lives only for passion and revenge. Once Golgo 13 discovers Queen Bee's true identity, he decides that he must step aside as a very personal feud climaxes to a tragic end - an end that you won't predict!<br> <br> (Source: Urban Vision)

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama

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Golgo 13: QUEEN BEE

Some passions are worth dying for...<br> <br> Code Name: Golgo 13 - Professional Assassin. Mission: Terminate the infamous Queen Bee, leader of a dissident South American liberation army, before she kills a high profile Presidential Candidate.<br> <br> One problem: Queen Bee isn't your average radical. When she was a child, they destroyed her world and left her to live like an animal. But they didn't kill her spirit. As a woman, cunning and powerful, she lives only for passion and revenge. Once Golgo 13 discovers Queen Bee's true identity, he decides that he must step aside as a very personal feud climaxes to a tragic end - an end that you won't predict!<br> <br> (Source: Urban Vision)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Adventure Drama


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 64

AirSeason: SPRING

Other Names: Golgo 13: QUEEN BEE Golgo 13: Queen Bee ゴルゴ13〜QUEEN BEE〜 Golgo 13 - Die Bienenkönigin

Start Date: 21-5-1998

End Date: 21-5-1998

Source: MANGA

Country Of Origin: JP

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