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Kotonoha no Niwa

Some people revel and play in the rain; others dread it and hide at the first drop. For high school student Takao, a summer shower is a source of artistic inspiration… but when he skips school in order to sketch in a rainy garden, Takao finds an even greater muse in Yukino, an older woman who seems adrift in the world. Despite the difference in their ages and lives, they strike up a comfortable relationship that slowly evolves as they randomly meet in the same garden whenever it rains. But with the rainy season coming to a close, Takao wonders if there's enough time left to put his feelings into actions and words.<br><br> (Source: Sentai Filmworks)

Genre: Drama, Psychological, Romance, Slice of Life

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Kotonoha no Niwa

Some people revel and play in the rain; others dread it and hide at the first drop. For high school student Takao, a summer shower is a source of artistic inspiration… but when he skips school in order to sketch in a rainy garden, Takao finds an even greater muse in Yukino, an older woman who seems adrift in the world. Despite the difference in their ages and lives, they strike up a comfortable relationship that slowly evolves as they randomly meet in the same garden whenever it rains. But with the rainy season coming to a close, Takao wonders if there's enough time left to put his feelings into actions and words.<br><br> (Source: Sentai Filmworks)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Drama Psychological Romance Slice of Life


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 75

AirSeason: SPRING

Other Names: Kotonoha no Niwa The Garden of Words 言の葉の庭 Koto no Ha no NiwaThe Garden of KotonohaEl Jardín de las PalabrasA szavak kertjeยามสายฝนโปรยปรายOgród słówСад изящных словIl giardino delle parole

Start Date: 31-5-2013

End Date: 31-5-2013


Country Of Origin: JP

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