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Konoha Akisato is an illustrator that loves beautiful girls and bishojo games. Her dream is to become a super-popular illustrator, so she is working hard at a bishojo game production company, but reality isn't that kind... With the golden age of social network games in full force, Konoha's company isn't doing well, and she works as a sub illustrator, spending her days painting the backs of random background characters. <br><br> One day, the owner of a game shop gives her a classic bishojo game. With all her excitement over the golden age of bishojo games, she opens the package to "Dokyusei," and is enveloped by a bright light. Konoha then realizes that she just traveled back in time! <br><br> She ends up in the year 1992! It's the dawn of the bishojo game era! Konoha ends up working at a company called Alcohol Soft. Will she be able to think about, draw, and create all the beautiful girls she’s ever wanted?! <br><br> A story about a girl and her overwhelming love for beautiful girls—"Now, let's begin!" <br><br> (Source: Crunchyroll)

Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life

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16bit Sensation: ANOTHER LAYER

Konoha Akisato is an illustrator that loves beautiful girls and bishojo games. Her dream is to become a super-popular illustrator, so she is working hard at a bishojo game production company, but reality isn't that kind... With the golden age of social network games in full force, Konoha's company isn't doing well, and she works as a sub illustrator, spending her days painting the backs of random background characters. <br><br> One day, the owner of a game shop gives her a classic bishojo game. With all her excitement over the golden age of bishojo games, she opens the package to "Dokyusei," and is enveloped by a bright light. Konoha then realizes that she just traveled back in time! <br><br> She ends up in the year 1992! It's the dawn of the bishojo game era! Konoha ends up working at a company called Alcohol Soft. Will she be able to think about, draw, and create all the beautiful girls she’s ever wanted?! <br><br> A story about a girl and her overwhelming love for beautiful girls—"Now, let's begin!" <br><br> (Source: Crunchyroll)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Comedy Slice of Life


No. of Episodes: 13

Avg. Rating: 68

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: 16bit Sensation: ANOTHER LAYER 16bit Sensation: Another Layer 16bitセンセーション ANOTHER LAYER 16-битная чувственность: Новый слой16bit 的感動ANOTHER LAYER

Start Date: 5-10-2023

End Date: 28-12-2023


Country Of Origin: JP

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