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The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about. Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the land. But Frieren will long outlive the rest of her former party. How will she come to understand what life means to the people around her? Decades after their victory, the funeral of one her friends confronts Frieren with her own near immortality. Frieren sets out to fulfill the last wishes of her comrades and finds herself beginning a new adventure… <br><br> (Source: Crunchyroll)

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy

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Sousou no Frieren

The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about. Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the land. But Frieren will long outlive the rest of her former party. How will she come to understand what life means to the people around her? Decades after their victory, the funeral of one her friends confronts Frieren with her own near immortality. Frieren sets out to fulfill the last wishes of her comrades and finds herself beginning a new adventure… <br><br> (Source: Crunchyroll)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Adventure Drama Fantasy


No. of Episodes: 28

Avg. Rating: 91

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: Sousou no Frieren Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End 葬送のフリーレン Frieren at the Funeral장송의 프리렌Frieren - Oltre la Fine del Viaggioคำอธิษฐานในวันที่จากลา FrierenFrieren e a Jornada para o AlémFrieren – Nach dem Ende der Reise葬送的芙莉蓮Frieren: Más allá del final del viajeFrieren en el funeralSōsō no FurīrenFrieren. U kresu drogiFrieren - Pháp sư tiễn tángФрирен, провожающая в последний путьفريرن: ما وراء نهاية الرحلةFrieren: Tras finalizar el viaje

Start Date: 29-9-2023

End Date: 22-3-2024

Source: MANGA

Country Of Origin: JP

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