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Danjo no Yuujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!)

At a rural junior high school, a boy and a girl vowed eternal friendship, and two years passed smoothly in their relationship......! <br> <br> The story follows the lives of two young people, Inuzuka Himari, who has yet to find her first love, and Natsume Yuu, a flower-loving boy, who remained best friends in their second year of high school, together in the gardening club. Sometimes Hiyori will tease him by say things like, "If Yu can't get married, I'll have to take the blame. It's hard when your brother calls him 'brother-in-law!" But when Yuu is reunited with his first crush from the past, the wheels of their relationship suddenly started to turn! Will Himari's newfound feelings help her break free from her "ideal friend" status?

Genre: Comedy, Romance

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Danjo no Yuujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!)

At a rural junior high school, a boy and a girl vowed eternal friendship, and two years passed smoothly in their relationship......! <br> <br> The story follows the lives of two young people, Inuzuka Himari, who has yet to find her first love, and Natsume Yuu, a flower-loving boy, who remained best friends in their second year of high school, together in the gardening club. Sometimes Hiyori will tease him by say things like, "If Yu can't get married, I'll have to take the blame. It's hard when your brother calls him 'brother-in-law!" But when Yuu is reunited with his first crush from the past, the wheels of their relationship suddenly started to turn! Will Himari's newfound feelings help her break free from her "ideal friend" status?

Next Episode In: Not Released Yet

Genres: Comedy Romance


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: SPRING

Other Names: Danjo no Yuujou wa Seiritsu suru? (Iya, Shinai!!) 男女の友情は成立する?(いや、 しないっ!!) だんじょるDanjoruCan a Boy and Girl Friendship Hold Up? (No It Can't)เธอกับฉันเพื่อนกันใช่มั้ย (ไม่ใช่!!)

Start Date: 4-4-2025

End Date: ??-??-??


Country Of Origin: JP

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