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This third volume in the Haruhi Suzumiya series is a collection of four exciting short stories that take place before The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya. <br><br> 1. <b>Suzumiya Haruhi no Taikutsu</b> (涼宮ハルヒの退屈, The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya)<br> In her latest attempt to give the SOS Brigade more public exposure, Haruhi signs them up for the city-wide baseball tournament. <br><br> 2. <b>Sasa no Ha Rhapsody</b> (笹の葉ラプソディ, Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody)<br> It’s like Back to the Future! To prevent an impending disaster, Mikuru takes Kyon back in time, where he meets Haruhi during her middle school years. <br><br> 3. <b>Mysterique Sign</b> (ミステリックサイン)<br> The computer club president mysteriously disappears, and it’s up to the SOS Brigade to get to the bottom of it! <br><br> 4. <b>Kotou Shoukougun</b> (孤島症候群, Remote Island Syndrome)<br> It’s vacation time when a relative of Itsuki’s invites the SOS Brigade to stay at his island villa. But when a dead body turns up, Haruhi and the gang naturally get involved in a thrilling murder mystery. <br><br> (Source: Yen Press) <br><br> <i>Note: Includes a prologue.</i>
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Genres: Comedy Sci-Fi Supernatural
No. of Episodes: ??
Avg. Rating: Unknown
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End Date: Unknown
Source: Unknown
Country Of Origin: Unknown
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