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It's the end of the world as we know it - or is it? <br><br> Gorgeous, confident, and demanding, Haruhi Suzumiya is the leader of the SOS Brigade, a club comprised of her high school's most extraordinary students. So when Haruhi is bored, it's up to the SOS Brigade do something about it. In this sequel to the clever and uniquely witty The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the SOS Brigade goes along with Haruhi's scheme to make a movie for the school's upcoming festival. But when filming begins, strange things start to happen, and Haruhi-who has no idea she's a goddess with the ability to destroy the world-starts to show her devastating powers. <br><br> Could the end be near? Or is it just another day at high school? You never know when Haruhi is involved! <br><br> (Source: Yen Press) <br><br> <i>Note: Includes a prologue and epilogue.</i>

Genre: Comedy, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Supernatural

Manga To Be Added Soon

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It's the end of the world as we know it - or is it? <br><br> Gorgeous, confident, and demanding, Haruhi Suzumiya is the leader of the SOS Brigade, a club comprised of her high school's most extraordinary students. So when Haruhi is bored, it's up to the SOS Brigade do something about it. In this sequel to the clever and uniquely witty The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the SOS Brigade goes along with Haruhi's scheme to make a movie for the school's upcoming festival. But when filming begins, strange things start to happen, and Haruhi-who has no idea she's a goddess with the ability to destroy the world-starts to show her devastating powers. <br><br> Could the end be near? Or is it just another day at high school? You never know when Haruhi is involved! <br><br> (Source: Yen Press) <br><br> <i>Note: Includes a prologue and epilogue.</i>

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Comedy Psychological Sci-Fi Slice of Life Supernatural


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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