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Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: "Rail Zeppelin" Grace note Tokubetsu-hen

A letter is delivered to Lord El-Melloi II informing him of a Clock Tower reunion. One morning, as the reunion's date draws near, Lord El-Melloi II takes a look in the mirror and reels in shock. He is suddenly a full decade younger! Lord El-Melloi II has become Waver Velvet, his former self! Believing himself to be in the grip of a powerful, magically induced delusion, Lord El-Melloi II immediately begins investigating how this could have happened. On the day of the reunion, he makes his way to the gathering of his contemporaries, planning to confront whoever transformed his body and hoping to reveal their intentions. However, when Touko Aozaki arrives, things take a sudden turn...<br> <br> (Source: Crunchyroll) <br> <br> <i>Note: The special edition was broadcasted in the Fate Project New Year's Eve TV Special 2021.</i>

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery

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Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: "Rail Zeppelin" Grace note Tokubetsu-hen

A letter is delivered to Lord El-Melloi II informing him of a Clock Tower reunion. One morning, as the reunion's date draws near, Lord El-Melloi II takes a look in the mirror and reels in shock. He is suddenly a full decade younger! Lord El-Melloi II has become Waver Velvet, his former self! Believing himself to be in the grip of a powerful, magically induced delusion, Lord El-Melloi II immediately begins investigating how this could have happened. On the day of the reunion, he makes his way to the gathering of his contemporaries, planning to confront whoever transformed his body and hoping to reveal their intentions. However, when Touko Aozaki arrives, things take a sudden turn...<br> <br> (Source: Crunchyroll) <br> <br> <i>Note: The special edition was broadcasted in the Fate Project New Year's Eve TV Special 2021.</i>

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Drama Fantasy Mystery


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 74

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: "Rail Zeppelin" Grace note Tokubetsu-hen Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note -Special Episode- ロード・エルメロイⅡ世の事件簿 -魔眼蒐集列車 Grace note- 特別編 Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note Special: Waver, Reunion, and the Magic Lantern

Start Date: 31-12-2021

End Date: 31-12-2021


Country Of Origin: JP

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