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NARUTO: Narutimate Hero 3: Tsui ni Gekitotsu! Jounin VS Genin!! Musabetsu Dairansen Taikai Kaisai!!

A contest is made by the Fifth Hokage called Jonin vs Genin. The point is to collect crystals for points, with the higher-ranked Chunin and Jonin holding crystals worth more points. The Genin have blue crystals, while the Chunin and Jonin have red crystals.<br><br> The video shows various fights between the Genin and Jonin, which each instance ending in the Jonin unknowingly losing their crystal (or discarding it).<br>

Genre: Adventure, Comedy

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NARUTO: Narutimate Hero 3: Tsui ni Gekitotsu! Jounin VS Genin!! Musabetsu Dairansen Taikai Kaisai!!

A contest is made by the Fifth Hokage called Jonin vs Genin. The point is to collect crystals for points, with the higher-ranked Chunin and Jonin holding crystals worth more points. The Genin have blue crystals, while the Chunin and Jonin have red crystals.<br><br> The video shows various fights between the Genin and Jonin, which each instance ending in the Jonin unknowingly losing their crystal (or discarding it).<br>

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Adventure Comedy


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 63

AirSeason: WINTER

Other Names: NARUTO: Narutimate Hero 3: Tsui ni Gekitotsu! Jounin VS Genin!! Musabetsu Dairansen Taikai Kaisai!! NARUTO -ナルト- ナルティメットヒーロー3 ついに激突! 上忍VS下忍!! 無差別大乱戦大会開催!! Naruto Narutimate Hero 3 OVANaruto: Finally a Clash!! Jounin vs. Genin!

Start Date: 22-12-2005

End Date: 22-12-2005


Country Of Origin: JP

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