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Lupin III: Goodbye Partner

Inspector Zenigata is arrested, and the press claims ol' Pops was the true mastermind behind all of professional looter Lupin's heists! It doesn't take long for Lupin's pride to get the better of him, and wealthy magnate Roy Forest manipulates him into accepting a new challenge: stealing the “Time Crystal” within a week. The Time Crystal is a government secret gone public: a super-computer engine that can decrypt secure passwords faster than ever thought possible. But why is Jigen acting so strangely lately? What has become of the young piano prodigy who was recently kidnapped? And most of all, what is the strange connection between them all?<br> <br> (Source: Discotek Media)

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy

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Lupin III: Goodbye Partner

Inspector Zenigata is arrested, and the press claims ol' Pops was the true mastermind behind all of professional looter Lupin's heists! It doesn't take long for Lupin's pride to get the better of him, and wealthy magnate Roy Forest manipulates him into accepting a new challenge: stealing the “Time Crystal” within a week. The Time Crystal is a government secret gone public: a super-computer engine that can decrypt secure passwords faster than ever thought possible. But why is Jigen acting so strangely lately? What has become of the young piano prodigy who was recently kidnapped? And most of all, what is the strange connection between them all?<br> <br> (Source: Discotek Media)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Adventure Comedy


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 66

AirSeason: WINTER

Other Names: Lupin III: Goodbye Partner Lupin the 3rd: Goodbye Partner ルパン三世 グッバイ・パートナー Lupin Sansei: Goodbye PartnerLupin III - Addio, amico mio

Start Date: 25-1-2019

End Date: 25-1-2019


Country Of Origin: JP

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