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In Fujisawa, where the skies are bright and the seas glisten, Sakuta Azusagawa is in his second year of high school. His blissful days with his girlfriend and upperclassman, Mai Sakurajima, are interrupted with the appearance of his first crush, Shouko Makinohara. For reasons unknown, he encounters two Shouko's: one in middle school and another who has become an adult. <br> <br> As Sakuta finds himself helplessly living with the Shouko's, the adult Shouko leads him around by the nose, causing a huge rift in his relationship with Mai. <br> <br> In the midst of all of this, he discovers that the middle school Shouko is suffering from a grave illness and his scar begins to throb... <br> <br> (Source: Aniplex USA)

Genre: Drama, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural

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Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai

In Fujisawa, where the skies are bright and the seas glisten, Sakuta Azusagawa is in his second year of high school. His blissful days with his girlfriend and upperclassman, Mai Sakurajima, are interrupted with the appearance of his first crush, Shouko Makinohara. For reasons unknown, he encounters two Shouko's: one in middle school and another who has become an adult. <br> <br> As Sakuta finds himself helplessly living with the Shouko's, the adult Shouko leads him around by the nose, causing a huge rift in his relationship with Mai. <br> <br> In the midst of all of this, he discovers that the middle school Shouko is suffering from a grave illness and his scar begins to throb... <br> <br> (Source: Aniplex USA)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Drama Psychological Romance Supernatural


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 84

AirSeason: SPRING

Other Names: Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl 青春ブタ野郎はゆめみる少女の夢を見ない 青ブタAo Buta 青春猪头少年不会梦到怀梦美少女Этот глупый свин не понимает мечту девочки-зайки. ФильмНегодник, которому не снилась девушка-кролик. Фильм

Start Date: 15-6-2019

End Date: 15-6-2019


Country Of Origin: JP

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