Unknown Title
Izuna Hazuki is a 17-year-old high school Itako, a person in tune with spirits, that works in the city as a Reibaishi. There are evil spirits in the world that take advantage of people's insecurities, emotional stress and weakness. These evil spirits take over people and enhance their negative energy, eventually harming themselves and the people around them. Some evil spirits make young girls looking to be in the spotlight into arsonists and other spirits tap into men's sexual desires to make them into monsters. Izuna's job is to use her ability as a Reibaishi and remove the spirits that are taking advantage of humans. Using her Kuda, a fox like spirit pet that detects and destroys evil spirits, and her own abilities, Izuna shines the light in the darkness between fantasy and reality.<bR><Br>
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Genres: Action Ecchi Fantasy Horror Mystery Supernatural
No. of Episodes: ??
Avg. Rating: Unknown
AirSeason: Unknown
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Start Date: Unknown
End Date: Unknown
Source: Unknown
Country Of Origin: Unknown
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