Jungle Taitei: Yuuki ga Mirai wo Kaeru
Earth, sometime in the 21st century. Because of non-stop environmental destruction, the United Nations commissions a private company, "Eternal Earth", to create an artificial jungle, to be a nature preserve and to protect animals. All wild animals are forced to live in it.<br><br> The animals that live in this "neo-jungle" have an easy life. Leo, son of Panja, is born in this artificial world. Because of the unrealistic nature of the neo-jungle, Leo lives his life like he hasn't a care in the world. But Leo is ridiculed by the other animals; they call him a coward--he is not like his father, the great Jungle Emperor, but Leo vows that some day he will be.<br><br> Kenichi, son of the Eternal Earth company's CEO, has no doubt about the great success of the neo-jungle. The story starts when Leo and Kenichi meet. Kenichi has the special ability to understand what the animals are saying. <br><br> (Source: kimbawlion.com/2009.htm)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Adventure
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 60
AirSeason: FALL
Other Names: Jungle Taitei: Yuuki ga Mirai wo Kaeru Jungle Emperor: The Brave Can Change the Future ジャングル大帝 -勇気が未来をかえる Jungle Taitei: Yuuki ga Mirai o KaeruJungle Emperor RemakeJungle Emperor Leo (special)Kimba the White Lion
Start Date: 5-9-2009
End Date: 5-9-2009
Source: MANGA
Country Of Origin: JP
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