Konchuu Monogatari Minashigo Hutch
After his homeland is destroyed by a large swarm of wasps, Hutch, the Honeybee ventures into the world. He goes to search for his mother, the queen bee, from whom he was separated during the disaster. Through his wandering, Hutch grows to be strong and brave as he observes the lives and deaths of numerous other insects.<br><br> (Source: Tatsunoko Production)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Adventure Comedy Drama
No. of Episodes: 91
Avg. Rating: 64
AirSeason: SPRING
Other Names: Konchuu Monogatari Minashigo Hutch The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee 昆虫物語みなしごハッチ Insect Story: Honey Bee HutchLas aventuras de HatchiLa abejita HutchLas aventuras de José MielA Abelhinha HutchA Abelhinha GuerreiraUn alveare d'avventure per l'ape MagàLe Petit Prince OrphelinHacou I'abeilleMicky l'abeilleFlitz das bienenkindHoningbij hutchHutch Miodowe SerceПчелка Хатчمغامرات بشّارمغامرات نحول , بشار
Start Date: 7-4-1970
End Date: 28-12-1971
Country Of Origin: JP
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