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The story takes place 10 years after the end of Gundam F91. The movie's heroes, Seabook Arno and Cecily Fairchild, discover that Crux Dogatie of the Jupiter Energy Fleet is plotting to conquer Earth with the forces of his Jupiter Empire. In response, Cecily takes up her birth name "Berah Ronah" and recreates the Crossbone Vanguard, who disguise themselves as pirates attacking the Jupiter Energy Fleet. Seabook, under the alias "Kinkedo Nau", is one of the new Vanguard's top pilots. The other is Zabine Chareux, a veteran of the original Crossbone Vanguard. The main character of Crossbone Gundam is a teenage Newtype named Tobia Arronax, who gets swept up in the war between the Crossbone Vanguard and Jupiter Empire.<br><br> While Gundam F91 is understandably viewed as a disappointment by many Gundam fans, Crossbone Gundam is widely regarded as one of Gundam's best installments, with its likeable cast, well-written story, and unique "pirate Gundam" mechanical designs. Its quality easily leads one to wonder how Gundam F91 would have turned out had Tomino been able to complete it as the originally planned 52 episode TV series, rather than having to condense it into a single 2-hour movie. <br><br> (Source: Wikipedia)

Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi

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The story takes place 10 years after the end of Gundam F91. The movie's heroes, Seabook Arno and Cecily Fairchild, discover that Crux Dogatie of the Jupiter Energy Fleet is plotting to conquer Earth with the forces of his Jupiter Empire. In response, Cecily takes up her birth name "Berah Ronah" and recreates the Crossbone Vanguard, who disguise themselves as pirates attacking the Jupiter Energy Fleet. Seabook, under the alias "Kinkedo Nau", is one of the new Vanguard's top pilots. The other is Zabine Chareux, a veteran of the original Crossbone Vanguard. The main character of Crossbone Gundam is a teenage Newtype named Tobia Arronax, who gets swept up in the war between the Crossbone Vanguard and Jupiter Empire.<br><br> While Gundam F91 is understandably viewed as a disappointment by many Gundam fans, Crossbone Gundam is widely regarded as one of Gundam's best installments, with its likeable cast, well-written story, and unique "pirate Gundam" mechanical designs. Its quality easily leads one to wonder how Gundam F91 would have turned out had Tomino been able to complete it as the originally planned 52 episode TV series, rather than having to condense it into a single 2-hour movie. <br><br> (Source: Wikipedia)

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Genres: Action Mecha Sci-Fi


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

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