Tokyo One Piece Tower: Tongari Shima no Dai Hihou
A Tokyo One Piece Tower exclusive film. It's a tie-in to a real treasure hunting event in collaboration with Takarush Corp. for a limited time called Treasure Hunting: Tongari Shima no Daibouken. During this, you’ll decipher the mysteries of ancient documents found by Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper, and then set out to find the nest of the mysterious animal known as Tongari Ton! <br><br> The film itself begins at the end of your treasure hunting adventure at the Tokyo One Piece Tower, where the Straw Hat Crew are tricked into opening a chest in a cave thinking it's where the Tongari Island treasure is. <br><br> (Source: Otakumode)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Action Adventure Comedy
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 61
AirSeason: FALL
Other Names: Tokyo One Piece Tower: Tongari Shima no Dai Hihou The Great Tongari Island Treasure Hunting Adventure 東京ワンピースタワー トンガリ島の大秘宝 Treasure Hunting: Tongari Shima no Daibouke
Start Date: 1-11-2016
End Date: 1-11-2016
Source: MANGA
Country Of Origin: JP
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