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Yumiko Sato works as a voice actress with a stage name "Yasumi". She hides that she is a "Gyaru", plays an innocent character in front of the audience. She respects Yuhi Yugure, who is also a voice actress and a highschooler. Yuhi's popularity is on the rise, and she had even done a concert in front of her fans. Yumiko is anxious... it's her second year as a voice actress, and she has to be famous in a year or else she will have to quit this job. One day, she is offered to be a cohost to a weekly radio program with Yuhi Yugure. The director of the program is totally excited... just because he knew that they were classmates!<br> <BR> Yumiko couldn't be more surprised--to know that Yuhi Yugure was Chika Watanabe, a grim-looking girl in her class! <br><br> <i>Note: Originally concluded with 3 volumes and 17 chapters on 2021-07-27, additional serialization started 2023-12-26, in support of the anime.</i>

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life

Manga To Be Added Soon

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Unknown Title

Yumiko Sato works as a voice actress with a stage name "Yasumi". She hides that she is a "Gyaru", plays an innocent character in front of the audience. She respects Yuhi Yugure, who is also a voice actress and a highschooler. Yuhi's popularity is on the rise, and she had even done a concert in front of her fans. Yumiko is anxious... it's her second year as a voice actress, and she has to be famous in a year or else she will have to quit this job. One day, she is offered to be a cohost to a weekly radio program with Yuhi Yugure. The director of the program is totally excited... just because he knew that they were classmates!<br> <BR> Yumiko couldn't be more surprised--to know that Yuhi Yugure was Chika Watanabe, a grim-looking girl in her class! <br><br> <i>Note: Originally concluded with 3 volumes and 17 chapters on 2021-07-27, additional serialization started 2023-12-26, in support of the anime.</i>

Next Episode In: Airing

Genres: Comedy Drama Slice of Life


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

Other Names:

Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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