Unknown Title
The story begins as a handgun shootout rages between two pilots from opposing countries that have been shot down and forced to land in a wasteland near the Himalayan Mountains. As they continue firing at one another, they notice the sudden appearance of a tiger carrying a human baby in its jaws. The two agree to a truce while they rescue the baby. After the tiger is dispatched the two make a gentleman’s agreement that whoever survives the shootout will look after the baby, and resume their conflict. In the end, the Japanese soldier prevails, but when he collects the baby, he is surprised to find it has a massive tail. Naming the baby Rikiya, or “Ricky” for short, he is brought back to Tokyo and raised as a human being, despite being one of the “Zero Men” – an advanced underground civilization of squirrel-like beings that live under the Himalayas.<br><br>(Source:Tezuka in English)
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Genres: Sci-Fi
No. of Episodes: ??
Avg. Rating: Unknown
AirSeason: Unknown
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Start Date: Unknown
End Date: Unknown
Source: Unknown
Country Of Origin: Unknown
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