Kinen Satsuei
A collaboration between Nissin Cup Noodles HUNGRY DAYS campaign x rock group BUMP OF CHICKEN: a full-fledged music video directed by Kyotarou Hayashi for the song <i>Kinen Satsuei</i> by BUMP OF CHICKEN. <br><br> The music video follows the series of One Piece-themed "Hungry Days: Aoharu ka yo." commercials in a what-if world of Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates if they were living as high school students. The theme of the video is about graduation, where the Straw Hat Pirates recollect the days of encounters, farewells, and adolescence through photos taken in their pasts.
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Drama
No. of Episodes: 1
Avg. Rating: 77
AirSeason: Unknown
Other Names: Kinen Satsuei 記念撮影 HUNGRY DAYS × BUMP OF CHICKEN 「記念撮影」MVHUNGRY DAYS × BUMP OF CHICKEN - Kinen SatsueiHUNGRY DAYS × BUMP OF CHICKEN - Commemorative PhotoOne Piece x BUMP OF CHICKENHungry Days: One Piece
Start Date: 2-11-2019
End Date: 2-11-2019
Source: MANGA
Country Of Origin: JP
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